Orne: housing price and price/sq ft

You want to buy or sell a real estate property? Properstar gives you the insights you need before you start.This report is based on the listings published on Properstar. Last update: Mar 2025

Housing price details

The median price of an apartment for sale is €219/sq ft. That means there are as many properties more expensive than €219/sq ft as cheaper. As for houses for sale, the median price is €132/sq ft.
Number of roomsMedian price
Studio€247/sq ft
2 pièces€225/sq ft
3 pièces€218/sq ft
4 pièces€163/sq ft
5 pièces€150/sq ft
Number of roomsMedian price
4 pièces€132/sq ft
5 pièces€144/sq ft
6 pièces€137/sq ft
7 pièces€133/sq ft
8 pièces€132/sq ft

Orne: all details of housing price

LocationPrice per sq ft – apartmentsPrice per sq ft – houses
€126/sq ft
€154/sq ft
€236/sq ft
€174/sq ft
€371/sq ft
€146/sq ft
€237/sq ft
€152/sq ft
Mortagne-au-PercheNot enough listings
€161/sq ft
La Ferté-MacéNot enough listings
€117/sq ft
L'AigleNot enough listings
€163/sq ft
FlersNot enough listings
€124/sq ft
VimoutiersNot enough listings
€152/sq ft
SéesNot enough listings
€123/sq ft
Condé-sur-HuisneNot enough listings
€130/sq ft
Tinchebray-BocageNot enough listings
€91/sq ft
BellêmeNot enough listings
€159/sq ft
La Ferrière-aux-ÉtangsNot enough listings
€125/sq ft
RémalardNot enough listings
€112/sq ft
CarrougesNot enough listings
€99/sq ft
Le Mêle-sur-SartheNot enough listings
€148/sq ft
Ménil-GondouinNot enough listings
€138/sq ft
Domfront en PoiraieNot enough listings
€110/sq ft
Perche-en-NocéNot enough listings
€157/sq ft
Sainte-Gauburge-Sainte-ColombeNot enough listings
€109/sq ft
BretoncellesNot enough listings
€147/sq ft
BriouzeNot enough listings
€105/sq ft
MortréeNot enough listings
€110/sq ft
CetonNot enough listings
€161/sq ft
Saint-Denis-sur-SarthonNot enough listings
€149/sq ft
Appenai-sous-BellêmeNot enough listings
€185/sq ft
RânesNot enough listings
€99/sq ft
CouterneNot enough listings
€54/sq ft
La Selle-la-ForgeNot enough listings
€1/sq ft
Val-au-PercheNot enough listings
€157/sq ft
IgéNot enough listings
€112/sq ft
Sainte-Honorine-la-ChardonneNot enough listings
€129/sq ft
Saint-Germain-du-CorbéisNot enough listings
€178/sq ft
La Ferté-FrênelNot enough listings
€140/sq ft
RaiNot enough listings
€118/sq ft
GacéNot enough listings
€131/sq ft
Mauves-sur-HuisneNot enough listings
€187/sq ft
Belforêt-en-PercheNot enough listings
€142/sq ft
Berd'huisNot enough listings
€120/sq ft
CeaucéNot enough listings
€117/sq ft
Saint-FraimbaultNot enough listings
€81/sq ft
Joué-du-BoisNot enough listings
€125/sq ft
Condé-sur-SartheNot enough listings
€153/sq ft
ÉchauffourNot enough listings
€168/sq ft
EssayNot enough listings
€101/sq ft
La PerrièreNot enough listings
€705/sq ft
Moulins-la-MarcheNot enough listings
€73/sq ft
La Chapelle-d'AndaineNot enough listings
€88/sq ft
Saint-Martin-du-Vieux-BellêmeNot enough listings
€141/sq ft
Écouché-les-ValléesNot enough listings
€131/sq ft
CiralNot enough listings
€179/sq ft
Saint-Sulpice-sur-RisleNot enough listings
€132/sq ft
DamignyNot enough listings
€170/sq ft
Saint-Michel-des-AndainesNot enough listings
€254/sq ft
Moutiers-au-PercheNot enough listings
€123/sq ft
DomfrontNot enough listings
€128/sq ft
TrunNot enough listings
€127/sq ft
Saint-Mars-d'ÉgrenneNot enough listings
€94/sq ft
Le Ménil-BroûtNot enough listings
€107/sq ft
Le MerleraultNot enough listings
€103/sq ft
Tourouvre au PercheNot enough listings
€118/sq ft
Passais-VillagesNot enough listings
€116/sq ft
AlmenêchesNot enough listings
€127/sq ft
HauteriveNot enough listings
€120/sq ft
Lonlay-l'AbbayeNot enough listings
€120/sq ft
La Madeleine-BouvetNot enough listings
€123/sq ft
PassaisNot enough listings
€88/sq ft
Bellou-sur-HuisneNot enough listings
€107/sq ft
ValframbertNot enough listings
€131/sq ft
TourouvreNot enough listings
€139/sq ft
Saint-Pierre-du-RegardNot enough listings
€124/sq ft
NocéNot enough listings
€81/sq ft
Juvigny-Val-d'AndaineNot enough listings
€119/sq ft
MesseiNot enough listings
€69/sq ft
LonraiNot enough listings
€169/sq ft
HéloupNot enough listings
€131/sq ft
Neauphe-sous-EssaiNot enough listings
€100/sq ft
BoitronNot enough listings
€100/sq ft
Sainte-Scolasse-sur-SartheNot enough listings
€156/sq ft
La Lande-PatryNot enough listings
€117/sq ft
Bazoches-sur-HoëneNot enough listings
€177/sq ft
AubeNot enough listings
€157/sq ft
Saint-Georges-des-GroseillersNot enough listings
€128/sq ft
Les AspresNot enough listings
€148/sq ft
MantillyNot enough listings
€119/sq ft
Saint-Sauveur-de-CarrougesNot enough listings
€119/sq ft
Bellou-le-TrichardNot enough listings
€166/sq ft
CharenceyNot enough listings
€116/sq ft

The most expensive locations in Orne

LocationPrice per sq ft – apartmentsPrice per sq ft – houses
€371/sq ft
€146/sq ft
€237/sq ft
€152/sq ft
€236/sq ft
€174/sq ft
€126/sq ft
€154/sq ft

The most affordable locations in Orne

LocationPrice per sq ft – apartmentsPrice per sq ft – houses
€126/sq ft
€154/sq ft
€236/sq ft
€174/sq ft
€237/sq ft
€152/sq ft
€371/sq ft
€146/sq ft

Orne: latest apartments for sale

Orne: latest houses for sale

Orne: latest apartments for rent