Building for sale, 00 Highway 24 8720 West Oak Highway, Oconee County, SC, in Oconee County, United States

8720 W Oak Hwy, 00 Highway 24 8720 West Oak Highway, Oconee County, SC
Commercial building • ref: C875FM
This property boasts of many years of history. Established in the late 1940's as a grist and flour mill, it served,at one time, a customer base for four states. Massive silos that stored wheat for production into flour are still standing. Wooden mixing boxes are still in place as they were when flour and corn meal were being sacked for delivery. Massive timber silo standing with gears still attached. Too much about the old mill to mention here.

00 Highway 24 8720 West Oak Highway, Oconee County, SC, Oconee County

Construction year1947