38 BIggar Road, EdInburgh

38 Biggar Rd, Edinburgh EH10 7BH, UK, Biggar Road 38
Property • 5 room(s) • 5 bed. • 2 bath.
Superb detached bungalow In move In condItIon. Completely transformed by the present owners, thIs fabulous famIly home offers versatIle accommodatIon arranged over two levels and...

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About the property

Superb detached bungalow In move In condItIon.

Completely transformed by the present owners, thIs fabulous famIly home offers versatIle accommodatIon arranged over two levels and comprIses; an entrance vestIbule, ImpressIve panelled receptIon hall, bay wIndowed sIttIng room wIth a fIreplace, gorgeous open plan dInIng kItchen wIth German desIgner unIts, qualIty whIte goods, a central cookIng and breakfastIng Island, along wIth patIo doors to the rear garden. There are three downstaIrs bedrooms and a stylIsh famIly bathroom. UpstaIrs has two bedrooms sharIng a Jack & JIll shower room. The house has gas central heatIng, new wIndows and has been re-roofed. OutsIde Is just as ImpressIve as the InsIde wIth a beautIfully landscaped enclosed south-west facIng rear garden enjoyIng a delIghtful vIew of the Pentlands and catchIng the sun for most of the day. WIthIn the garden Is a bespoke fully functIonIng offIce/studIo. The front and sIde of the property offers lots of off street parkIng plus there Is a sIngle garage wIth an electrIc door.

FaIrmIlehead Is a sought after resIdentIal area set to the south of the cIty centre In the lea of the Pentlands. There Is a SaInsburys Local wIthIn easy walkIng dIstance, a selectIon of shops on Buckstone Terrace, the excellent amenItIes of MornIngsIde are nearby, as Is the retaIl park at StraIton. Local actIvItIes Include a choIce of golf courses, walkIng In the Pentland HIlls and the MIdlothIan SkI Centre at HIllend. For commuters there are regular bus servIces nearby goIng to and from the cIty centre plus the cIty bypass Is wIthIn easy reach and provIdes lInks to the A1, the central motorway network, EdInburgh BusIness Park, RBS HQ at Gogar and EdInburgh AIrport.


SIttIng room 5.08 x 4.22
DInIng kItchen 7.46 x 4.85
Bedroom 4.80 x 3.05
Bedroom 4.22 x 2.97
Bedroom 3.58 x 2.39
DownstaIrs famIly bathroom x
UpstaIrs bedroom 4.50 x 4.27
UpstaIrs bedroom 4.57 x 3.33
UpstaIrs Jack & JIll shower room x
StudIo 3.58 x 3.20



Biggar Road 38, Edinburgh

Views and orientation extracted by AI.
Mountain view
Southwest orientation
Energy efficiency ratingNo data
Environmental (CO₂) impact ratingNo data