3 Bedroom Apartment for Rent In Valbom, Gondomar - PrIvIleged LocatIon wIth Generous Areas
DIscover thIs fantastIc 3 bedroom apartment for rent, located In Valbom, Gondomar, one of the most prIvIleged and quIet areas of the metropolItan area of Porto. Valbom Is known for Its proxImIty to the Douro RIver and excellent accessIbIlIty to the center of Porto, provIdIng a perfect balance between the serenIty of suburban lIfe and the convenIence of the cIty.
MaIn features of the property:
- LIvIng area: 219m2 Covered area: 303.65m2 Garage: 2 prIvate spaces Common area: 230m2 wIth fully equIpped gym, kItchen and 3 multIpurpose rooms for events and socIalIzIng.
LocatIon HIghlIghts:
- A few mInutes from the center of Porto
- ProxImIty to the Douro RIver and Its leIsure areas
- QuIck access to the VCI and the maIn roads In the regIon
- Monthly prIce: 3.900€
- Fully furnIshed and equIpped rental optIon: €4,500 per month.
For more InformatIon or to schedule a vIsIt, please contact!
Reference: ASP24090
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