NÃO CONTACTAR TELEFÓNICAMENTE enviar pedido de contato a solicitar o e-mail.
Com a seguinte documentação :
3 Últimos Recibos de vencimento
IRS dos 2 últimos anos
Declaração de efetividade ou indicação da situação Profissional
Cópia cartão de cidadão Frente e verso
Contacto telefônico e e-mail.
Condições do arrendamento:
2 Rendas
3 Cauções
+ Fiador
Contrato anual com possibilidade de renovação
As visitas só são agendadas após o envio de toda a documentação acima mencionada e com a aprovação dos proprietários
Imóvel é composto por:
Cozinha Equipada
Moradia V2 com quintal
- Maquina roupa
-Placa indução
- Forno
- Esquentador
-Mico ondas
2 Quartos
Ac/ Sala e quarto principal
Se você tem o sonho, nós temos a solução, venha visitar aquela que poderá vir a ser a sua futura casa.
Agenda já a sua visita.
DO NOT CONTACT BY PHONE send a contact request requesting the e-mail.
With the following documentation:
3 Last Payslips
IRS of the last 2 years
Declaration of effectiveness or indication of professional status
Copy of citizen card Front and back
Telephone contact and e-mail.
Rental conditions:
2 Lace
3 Security Deposits
+ Guarantor
Annual contract with the possibility of renewal
Visits are only scheduled after all the aforementioned documentation has been sent and with the approval of the owners
Property consists of:
Equipped Kitchen
2 bedroom villa with backyard
- Washing machine
-Induction hob
-Mico waves
Living room
2 Bedrooms
Ac/ Living room and master bedroom
If you have the dream, we have the solution, come visit what could become your future home.
Schedule your visit now.
Categoria Energética: E
DO NOT CONTACT BY PHONE send a contact request requesting the e-mail.
With the following documentation:
3 Last Payslips
IRS of the last 2 years
Declaration of effectiveness or indication of professional status
Copy of citizen card Front and back
Telephone contact and e-mail.
Rental conditions:
2 Lace
3 Security Deposits
+ Guarantor
Annual contract with the possibility of renewal
Visits are only scheduled after all the aforementioned documentation has been sent and with the approval of the owners
Property consists of:
Equipped Kitchen
2 bedroom villa with backyard
- Washing machine
-Induction hob
-Mico waves
Living room
2 Bedrooms
Ac/ Living room and master bedroom
If you have the dream, we have the solution, come visit what could become your future home.
Schedule your visit now.
Energy Rating: E
Com a seguinte documentação :
3 Últimos Recibos de vencimento
IRS dos 2 últimos anos
Declaração de efetividade ou indicação da situação Profissional
Cópia cartão de cidadão Frente e verso
Contacto telefônico e e-mail.
Condições do arrendamento:
2 Rendas
3 Cauções
+ Fiador
Contrato anual com possibilidade de renovação
As visitas só são agendadas após o envio de toda a documentação acima mencionada e com a aprovação dos proprietários
Imóvel é composto por:
Cozinha Equipada
Moradia V2 com quintal
- Maquina roupa
-Placa indução
- Forno
- Esquentador
-Mico ondas
2 Quartos
Ac/ Sala e quarto principal
Se você tem o sonho, nós temos a solução, venha visitar aquela que poderá vir a ser a sua futura casa.
Agenda já a sua visita.
DO NOT CONTACT BY PHONE send a contact request requesting the e-mail.
With the following documentation:
3 Last Payslips
IRS of the last 2 years
Declaration of effectiveness or indication of professional status
Copy of citizen card Front and back
Telephone contact and e-mail.
Rental conditions:
2 Lace
3 Security Deposits
+ Guarantor
Annual contract with the possibility of renewal
Visits are only scheduled after all the aforementioned documentation has been sent and with the approval of the owners
Property consists of:
Equipped Kitchen
2 bedroom villa with backyard
- Washing machine
-Induction hob
-Mico waves
Living room
2 Bedrooms
Ac/ Living room and master bedroom
If you have the dream, we have the solution, come visit what could become your future home.
Schedule your visit now.
Categoria Energética: E
DO NOT CONTACT BY PHONE send a contact request requesting the e-mail.
With the following documentation:
3 Last Payslips
IRS of the last 2 years
Declaration of effectiveness or indication of professional status
Copy of citizen card Front and back
Telephone contact and e-mail.
Rental conditions:
2 Lace
3 Security Deposits
+ Guarantor
Annual contract with the possibility of renewal
Visits are only scheduled after all the aforementioned documentation has been sent and with the approval of the owners
Property consists of:
Equipped Kitchen
2 bedroom villa with backyard
- Washing machine
-Induction hob
-Mico waves
Living room
2 Bedrooms
Ac/ Living room and master bedroom
If you have the dream, we have the solution, come visit what could become your future home.
Schedule your visit now.
Energy Rating: E