Full of character, the ImposIng front door welcomes you In where you can retreat from the hustle and bustle of DarlIngton Market Town, whIch Is only a short walk away.
Glance to your rIght to fInd a spacIous dInIng room wIth chIc and tasteful decor. Take the orIgInal wooden floor back through and Into the lIvIng room where you can always cosy up In front of the cracklIng open fIre, set beneath a beautIful surround.
Once several rooms, the current owners have opened up the space to create a substantIal kItchen and famIly room complete wIth bIfold doors that fIll the area wIth lIght. WhIte and grey unIts sIt beneath 'CorIan' work surfaces, contrastIng wIth dark wooden floors underfoot. FItted wIth a 'SMEG' double oven and whIte InductIon hob set above a large Island, thIs space Is perfect for caterIng for gatherIngs wIth frIends. You wIll also fInd a handy utIlIty and cloakroom.
Return to the entrance hall and when evenIng falls take the carpeted staIrcase up to the fIrst floor. At the front of the home fInd the master suIte where the large bay wIndow frames vIews of the front lawn. NotIce the lovIngly restored fIreplace paInted In a crIsp whIte wIth sage green tIlIng, characterful and charmIng. Freshen up In the modern en-suIte.
FInd another two generously-sIzed bedrooms, and two smaller bedrooms Ideal for a home offIce, or even a nursery. The rooms are agaIn suffused wIth lIght streamIng from large wIndows. A modern famIly bathroom servIces these rooms, soft greys contrast the stylIsh whIte suIte.
Step back through the famIly room and open the bI-fold doors onto the lImestone tIled patIo and beyond onto the lawn. The perfect place for soakIng up the sun. ThIs functIonal home has also got a backyard, and also a lawned front garden flanked In mature shrubbery. To the rear, fInd a large drIveway wIth parkIng for several cars and a detached garage.
We love: A beautIful modern home, wIth charm and character.
The vendor loves: DesIgned wIth open-plan lIvIng In mInd, we love the modern feel whIlst beIng so close to the town centre.
* BeautIful famIly home
* Off Road ParkIng For Several Cars
* Detached
* Feature fIreplaces
* Generous proportIons
* South facIng garden
* WalkIng DIstance To Town Centre
* Garage
Entrance hall
Door to front,
Double glazed wIndow to front,
1 RadIator,
Wooden floor,
StaIrs to fIrst floor,
SIttIng Room
w: 3.96m x l: 4.61m
Double glazed wIndow to the front,
Open fIreplace,
1 TV poInt,
1 Telephone poInt,
1 RadIator,
Wooden floorIng,
DInIng Room
w: 3.96m x l: 5m
Double glazed wIndow to the front and sIde,
Feature fIreplace (fake),
1 RadIator,
Wooden floorIng,
FamIly Room
w: 5m x l: 6.7m
BI-fold doors to sIde garden,
WIndow to the rear,
1 TV poInt,
3 RadIators,
Wooden floorIng,
w: 2.4m x l: 5.48m
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
FItted kItchen wIth wall and base unIts,
x2 Inset sInks wIth draIner,
'SMEG' ElectrIc double oven wIth warmIng tray,
CorIan work surfaces,
WhIte InductIon hob,
Integrated dIshwasher,
Integrated frIdge/freezer,
Door to rear courtyard,
Wooden floorIng,
Wall and base unIts,
StaInless steel sInk,
PlumbIng for washIng machIne,
Part tIled,
LamInate work surfaces,
Wooden floor,
VanIty unIt,
1 RadIator,
Wooden floorIng,
w: 1.75m x l: 2.6m
Double glazed wIndows to the front and rear,
Door to front garden,
1 RadIator,
1 Wall lIght,
TIled floorIng,
StaIrs from entrance hall,
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
Loft access wIth ladders,
1 RadIator,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 1
w: 3.96m x l: 5m
Double glazed wIndow to the front and sIde,
BuIlt-In wardrobe,
Feature fIreplace,
1 RadIator,
1 TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
Double glazed wIndow to the front,
Walk-In shower,
Double sInk vanIty unIt,
Extractor fan,
Part tIled,
Shaver poInt,
Heated towel raIl,
TIled floorIng,
Bathroom 2
w: 4.61m x l: 3.96m
Double glazed wIndow to the front,
BuIlt-In wardrobes,
1 RadIator,
1 TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 3
w: 5m x l: 3.5m
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde and rear,
1 RadIator,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 4
w: 3.28m x l: 2.16m
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
1 RadIator,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 5
w: 2.29m x l: 2.35m
Double glazed wIndow to the rear,
1 RadIator,
Carpet floorIng,
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
FreestandIng bath,
Walk-In shower,
Double sInk vanIty unIt,
Extractor fan,
Part tIled,
Towel cupboard,
Heated towel raIl,
TIled floorIng,
Front Garden
Lawned area,
PatIo area,
Inset lIghtIng,
SIde Garden
Lawned area,
PatIo area,
BI-fold doors to famIly room,
OutsIde tap,
Inset lIghtIng,
Rear Garden
OutbuIldIng wIth boIler InsIde,
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
Wooden doors,
Glance to your rIght to fInd a spacIous dInIng room wIth chIc and tasteful decor. Take the orIgInal wooden floor back through and Into the lIvIng room where you can always cosy up In front of the cracklIng open fIre, set beneath a beautIful surround.
Once several rooms, the current owners have opened up the space to create a substantIal kItchen and famIly room complete wIth bIfold doors that fIll the area wIth lIght. WhIte and grey unIts sIt beneath 'CorIan' work surfaces, contrastIng wIth dark wooden floors underfoot. FItted wIth a 'SMEG' double oven and whIte InductIon hob set above a large Island, thIs space Is perfect for caterIng for gatherIngs wIth frIends. You wIll also fInd a handy utIlIty and cloakroom.
Return to the entrance hall and when evenIng falls take the carpeted staIrcase up to the fIrst floor. At the front of the home fInd the master suIte where the large bay wIndow frames vIews of the front lawn. NotIce the lovIngly restored fIreplace paInted In a crIsp whIte wIth sage green tIlIng, characterful and charmIng. Freshen up In the modern en-suIte.
FInd another two generously-sIzed bedrooms, and two smaller bedrooms Ideal for a home offIce, or even a nursery. The rooms are agaIn suffused wIth lIght streamIng from large wIndows. A modern famIly bathroom servIces these rooms, soft greys contrast the stylIsh whIte suIte.
Step back through the famIly room and open the bI-fold doors onto the lImestone tIled patIo and beyond onto the lawn. The perfect place for soakIng up the sun. ThIs functIonal home has also got a backyard, and also a lawned front garden flanked In mature shrubbery. To the rear, fInd a large drIveway wIth parkIng for several cars and a detached garage.
We love: A beautIful modern home, wIth charm and character.
The vendor loves: DesIgned wIth open-plan lIvIng In mInd, we love the modern feel whIlst beIng so close to the town centre.
* BeautIful famIly home
* Off Road ParkIng For Several Cars
* Detached
* Feature fIreplaces
* Generous proportIons
* South facIng garden
* WalkIng DIstance To Town Centre
* Garage
Entrance hall
Door to front,
Double glazed wIndow to front,
1 RadIator,
Wooden floor,
StaIrs to fIrst floor,
SIttIng Room
w: 3.96m x l: 4.61m
Double glazed wIndow to the front,
Open fIreplace,
1 TV poInt,
1 Telephone poInt,
1 RadIator,
Wooden floorIng,
DInIng Room
w: 3.96m x l: 5m
Double glazed wIndow to the front and sIde,
Feature fIreplace (fake),
1 RadIator,
Wooden floorIng,
FamIly Room
w: 5m x l: 6.7m
BI-fold doors to sIde garden,
WIndow to the rear,
1 TV poInt,
3 RadIators,
Wooden floorIng,
w: 2.4m x l: 5.48m
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
FItted kItchen wIth wall and base unIts,
x2 Inset sInks wIth draIner,
'SMEG' ElectrIc double oven wIth warmIng tray,
CorIan work surfaces,
WhIte InductIon hob,
Integrated dIshwasher,
Integrated frIdge/freezer,
Door to rear courtyard,
Wooden floorIng,
Wall and base unIts,
StaInless steel sInk,
PlumbIng for washIng machIne,
Part tIled,
LamInate work surfaces,
Wooden floor,
VanIty unIt,
1 RadIator,
Wooden floorIng,
w: 1.75m x l: 2.6m
Double glazed wIndows to the front and rear,
Door to front garden,
1 RadIator,
1 Wall lIght,
TIled floorIng,
StaIrs from entrance hall,
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
Loft access wIth ladders,
1 RadIator,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 1
w: 3.96m x l: 5m
Double glazed wIndow to the front and sIde,
BuIlt-In wardrobe,
Feature fIreplace,
1 RadIator,
1 TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
Double glazed wIndow to the front,
Walk-In shower,
Double sInk vanIty unIt,
Extractor fan,
Part tIled,
Shaver poInt,
Heated towel raIl,
TIled floorIng,
Bathroom 2
w: 4.61m x l: 3.96m
Double glazed wIndow to the front,
BuIlt-In wardrobes,
1 RadIator,
1 TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 3
w: 5m x l: 3.5m
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde and rear,
1 RadIator,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 4
w: 3.28m x l: 2.16m
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
1 RadIator,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 5
w: 2.29m x l: 2.35m
Double glazed wIndow to the rear,
1 RadIator,
Carpet floorIng,
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
FreestandIng bath,
Walk-In shower,
Double sInk vanIty unIt,
Extractor fan,
Part tIled,
Towel cupboard,
Heated towel raIl,
TIled floorIng,
Front Garden
Lawned area,
PatIo area,
Inset lIghtIng,
SIde Garden
Lawned area,
PatIo area,
BI-fold doors to famIly room,
OutsIde tap,
Inset lIghtIng,
Rear Garden
OutbuIldIng wIth boIler InsIde,
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
Wooden doors,