Quinta localizada em Arruda dos Vinhos, a 20 minutos de Lisboa, composta por 1 moradia V6 e um anexo T2, inseridos numa área de terreno com 7.480 m2.
Prestação desde 2.499€/mês*
Se procura para viver um local calmo, onde a tranquilidade da natureza está sempre presente e a 20 minutos de Lisboa, esta Quinta tem tudo o que procura.
Quintinha localizada em Arruda dos Vinhos, distrito de Lisboa, composta por 1 moradia V6 e um anexo T2, inseridos numa área de terreno com 7.480 m2.
Ar Condicionado e Aquecimento Central
Garagem para 6 carros
Painéis Solares
Parque infantil
Campos de Jogos
Jardim interior
6 suites
A moradia possui 3 pisos assim distribuídos:
Salão de jogos
Sala de estar com lareira
Piso 0:
Sala de estar
Sala de jantar
4 Suites
1 Jardim interior
Piso 1:
2 Suites
1 walk-in Closet
Esta quinta dispõe também de uma habitação anexa com:
Cozinha tipo kitchenette
Sala com lareira
2 Quartos
Casa de Banho
* Prestação prevista de 2499€/mês, para um financiamento de 90%, para um prazo de 40 anos e taxas em vigor à data de publicação do imóvel.
Estamos disponíveis para ajudá-lo na obtenção do seu Crédito Habitação, somos Intermediários de Crédito Vinculado, registados no Banco de Portugal sob o nº 0002867.
Prestamos um serviço de acompanhamento antes e depois da sua escritura.
Marque a sua visita e teremos o maior prazer em lhe apresentar a sua nova casa.
Small farm located in Arruda dos Vinhos, 20 minutes from Lisbon, consisting of 1 V6 villa and a T2 annex, inserted in a land area with 7,480 m2.
Installment from 2.499€/month*
If you are looking to live a quiet place, where the tranquility of nature is always present and 20 minutes from Lisbon, this Quinta has everything you are looking for.
Small farm located in Arruda dos Vinhos, district of Lisbon, consisting of 1 villa V6 and an annex T2, inserted in a land area with 7,480 m2.
Swimming pool
Locker room
Air Conditioning and Central Heating
Garage for 6 cars
Solar Panels
Playing Fields
Indoor garden
6 suites
The villa has 3 floors distributed as follows:
Games room
Living room with fireplace
Locker room
Floor 0:
Living room
Dining room
4 Suites
1 Indoor garden
Floor 1:
2 Suites
1 walk-in Closet
This farm also has an attached house with:
Kitchenette kitchen
Living room with fireplace
2 Bedrooms
* Expected installment of € 2499 / month, for a financing of 90%, for a term of 40 years and rates in force on the date of publication of the property.
We are available to assist you in obtaining your Housing Loan, we are Linked Credit Intermediaries, registered with Banco de Portugal under No. 0002867.
We provide a service of accompaniment before and after your writing.
Book your visit and we will be happy to introduce you to your new home.
Categoria Energética: C
Small farm located in Arruda dos Vinhos, 20 minutes from Lisbon, consisting of 1 V6 villa and a T2 annex, inserted in a land area with 7,480 m2.
Installment from 2.499€/month*
If you are looking to live a quiet place, where the tranquility of nature is always present and 20 minutes from Lisbon, this Quinta has everything you are looking for.
Small farm located in Arruda dos Vinhos, district of Lisbon, consisting of 1 villa V6 and an annex T2, inserted in a land area with 7,480 m2.
Swimming pool
Locker room
Air Conditioning and Central Heating
Garage for 6 cars
Solar Panels
Playing Fields
Indoor garden
6 suites
The villa has 3 floors distributed as follows:
Games room
Living room with fireplace
Locker room
Floor 0:
Living room
Dining room
4 Suites
1 Indoor garden
Floor 1:
2 Suites
1 walk-in Closet
This farm also has an attached house with:
Kitchenette kitchen
Living room with fireplace
2 Bedrooms
* Expected installment of € 2499 / month, for a financing of 90%, for a term of 40 years and rates in force on the date of publication of the property.
We are available to assist you in obtaining your Housing Loan, we are Linked Credit Intermediaries, registered with Banco de Portugal under No. 0002867.
We provide a service of accompaniment before and after your writing.
Book your visit and we will be happy to introduce you to your new home.
Energy Rating: C
Prestação desde 2.499€/mês*
Se procura para viver um local calmo, onde a tranquilidade da natureza está sempre presente e a 20 minutos de Lisboa, esta Quinta tem tudo o que procura.
Quintinha localizada em Arruda dos Vinhos, distrito de Lisboa, composta por 1 moradia V6 e um anexo T2, inseridos numa área de terreno com 7.480 m2.
Ar Condicionado e Aquecimento Central
Garagem para 6 carros
Painéis Solares
Parque infantil
Campos de Jogos
Jardim interior
6 suites
A moradia possui 3 pisos assim distribuídos:
Salão de jogos
Sala de estar com lareira
Piso 0:
Sala de estar
Sala de jantar
4 Suites
1 Jardim interior
Piso 1:
2 Suites
1 walk-in Closet
Esta quinta dispõe também de uma habitação anexa com:
Cozinha tipo kitchenette
Sala com lareira
2 Quartos
Casa de Banho
* Prestação prevista de 2499€/mês, para um financiamento de 90%, para um prazo de 40 anos e taxas em vigor à data de publicação do imóvel.
Estamos disponíveis para ajudá-lo na obtenção do seu Crédito Habitação, somos Intermediários de Crédito Vinculado, registados no Banco de Portugal sob o nº 0002867.
Prestamos um serviço de acompanhamento antes e depois da sua escritura.
Marque a sua visita e teremos o maior prazer em lhe apresentar a sua nova casa.
Small farm located in Arruda dos Vinhos, 20 minutes from Lisbon, consisting of 1 V6 villa and a T2 annex, inserted in a land area with 7,480 m2.
Installment from 2.499€/month*
If you are looking to live a quiet place, where the tranquility of nature is always present and 20 minutes from Lisbon, this Quinta has everything you are looking for.
Small farm located in Arruda dos Vinhos, district of Lisbon, consisting of 1 villa V6 and an annex T2, inserted in a land area with 7,480 m2.
Swimming pool
Locker room
Air Conditioning and Central Heating
Garage for 6 cars
Solar Panels
Playing Fields
Indoor garden
6 suites
The villa has 3 floors distributed as follows:
Games room
Living room with fireplace
Locker room
Floor 0:
Living room
Dining room
4 Suites
1 Indoor garden
Floor 1:
2 Suites
1 walk-in Closet
This farm also has an attached house with:
Kitchenette kitchen
Living room with fireplace
2 Bedrooms
* Expected installment of € 2499 / month, for a financing of 90%, for a term of 40 years and rates in force on the date of publication of the property.
We are available to assist you in obtaining your Housing Loan, we are Linked Credit Intermediaries, registered with Banco de Portugal under No. 0002867.
We provide a service of accompaniment before and after your writing.
Book your visit and we will be happy to introduce you to your new home.
Categoria Energética: C
Small farm located in Arruda dos Vinhos, 20 minutes from Lisbon, consisting of 1 V6 villa and a T2 annex, inserted in a land area with 7,480 m2.
Installment from 2.499€/month*
If you are looking to live a quiet place, where the tranquility of nature is always present and 20 minutes from Lisbon, this Quinta has everything you are looking for.
Small farm located in Arruda dos Vinhos, district of Lisbon, consisting of 1 villa V6 and an annex T2, inserted in a land area with 7,480 m2.
Swimming pool
Locker room
Air Conditioning and Central Heating
Garage for 6 cars
Solar Panels
Playing Fields
Indoor garden
6 suites
The villa has 3 floors distributed as follows:
Games room
Living room with fireplace
Locker room
Floor 0:
Living room
Dining room
4 Suites
1 Indoor garden
Floor 1:
2 Suites
1 walk-in Closet
This farm also has an attached house with:
Kitchenette kitchen
Living room with fireplace
2 Bedrooms
* Expected installment of € 2499 / month, for a financing of 90%, for a term of 40 years and rates in force on the date of publication of the property.
We are available to assist you in obtaining your Housing Loan, we are Linked Credit Intermediaries, registered with Banco de Portugal under No. 0002867.
We provide a service of accompaniment before and after your writing.
Book your visit and we will be happy to introduce you to your new home.
Energy Rating: C