House v3 in Arões São Romão
Individual villa V3 with swimming pool, furnished and equipped kitchen, fireplace with stove, barbecue, several annexes, good sun exposure.
Parish of Arões São Romão
The village of Arões S.Romão has about 3,295 inhabitants for an area of 5.72 km².
Arões São Romão is currently an industrial parish, being the textile sector and the provision of services the main axes of its economic activity.
In the area of marble and blocktiles also has a strong increase and, in the agricultural area, special emphasis on wine production.
Its main structuring route is en 206, which connects Fafe to Guimarães.
Buy with ERA Fafe
ERA Fafe opened its doors in 2005 and built an upward path that is now recognized by the local and national market. Guided by maximum customer satisfaction, ERA Fafe seeks to develop a professional, coherent and excellent work - this is its commitment.
ERA Fafe's team consists of real estate consultants, commercial directors, store coordinator, procedural department - all elements are focused on presenting solutions to customers.
We promote the sale of all types of real estate:
- villa (detached, semi-detached, in band, floor dwelling)
- apartment
- land (plot, urban/construction, agricultural, industrial, rustic)
- ruin
- farm and homefall
- warehouse
- office
- shop
- mill
After all these years, ERA Fafe's focus remains on continuing to be a leader in the real estate market in its area of operation!