Spectacular plot of 39,737 m2, you can sell a minimum of 4000 m2 at € 150 per m2 and a maximum of 16,200 m2 at the best price in the area, with the possibility of segregating in plots of 4,000 m2 and building with a maximum of 1.6 m2 each m2 according to the regulations described below of the Hon. Alicante City Council:~ CHAPTER 9: INDUSTRIAL AREAS (KEY AI 2b) ~ Art. 158. Delimitation and characterization.~ 1. In it Soil Qualification Plan the scopes of application of the present zone conditions are delimited with the Key Al, with differential regulations of the variations of the volume conditions (Gados 1 and 2) and of the conditions of compatibility of the uses (Levels "a and b")~ 2. The predominant use of this area is industrial. The type of building management is that of open building, and semi-closed building may be admitted in Grado.~ 3 The special rules of use contained in paragraph 2 of Article 164 of this Chapter shall apply to new plant works carried out in any of the areas classified as industrial use, even if they are included in previous or deferred planning scopes.~ Art. 159. Subdivision conditions. MP/ 31~ 1. The plots existing prior to the date of initial approval of this General Plan will be buildable if, in addition to fulfilling the remaining conditions---- general and particular, their surface is at least 600 m2.~ 2. The plots resulting from new par shares will have a minimum area of 1,500 rn2 in Grade 2. Minimum length of the façade will be 16m.~ 3. The plots resulting from new parcels or segregations may not leave adjacent vacant parcel not buildable by reason of its surface, unless this in turn borders another vacant parcel with which it can be grouped and form parcel equal to or greater than the minimum.~ Art. 160. Volume Conditions. [MP/1, MP/lS, MP/lS]~ The façade of the building will keep a setback of 10 m., except for the goalkeeping and access control booths that may be placed in front in the outer alignment in a maximum length of 300 m ~ With respect to the rest of the boundaries, in Grade 2 a setback of 6 m will be kept, except in the cases of~ joint action of two or more adjacent plots with unitary project and execution, or in the case of goalkeeping or control booths, with the same conditions established in the previous paragraph.~ ~ The minimum distance between buildings within the same plot will be 3.00m.~ Existing plots with an area less than the minimum that are buildable in application of the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 159 may reduce their setbacks up to 3.00 m. to façade and boundaries in Grade 2.~ 2 The occupation of the building will not exceed 80% of the surface of the planla.~ 3. The maximum buildable area will be 1.60 m2 in Grade 2.~ 4. The building will not exceed a maximum height of 4 floors and 16 m. in Grade 2. The technical facilities required for the exercise of the activity are exempt from these limits, which may exceed the parameters indicated as necessary.~ 5. The maximum number of underground plants will be one, unless the facilities or technical elements of the activity require it ~ 6. Works of extension in height of existing buildings or installations may derogate from the rules relating to setbacks and occupation expressed in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article.~ Art. 161. Aesthetic conditions.~ 1. The design and materials to be used in the facades are free. The protruding elements that are arranged on spaces free of parcels coming from mandatory setbacks, will not protrude more than 100 m, from the façade.~ 2. The design and materials of the party walls, even if they were provisional, will be analogous and congruent with those of the façade itself.~ 3. The free space of the plot resulting from the setback to the front boundary, may be used for access, parking, loading and unloading dock and gardens, but not storage, except fuel tanks of the industrial installation.~ 4. The enclosure of the plot that is arranged in the outer alignment will not have opaque elements of height greater than 050 m.~ Art. 162 Quality and hygienic conditions. MP /133~ .. Unless special technical requirements require it, the composition and organization of the building will not leave jobs whose location is stable, located more than 10 m. away from a natural lighting hole, either located on the façade or on the roof.~ ~ 2. For safety reasons, the layout of the building and its facilities will allow access to the vehicles of the Fire Service and must comply with the conditions of the Municipal Ordinances on Fire Protection Conditions.~ ~ This announcement may contain errors. The information is shown for information purposes, not contractually committing the real estate. Both the data, images and plans may be subject to change, so we invite you, if you need more accurate and detailed information, check data, as well as legal status of the properties, contact us and we will assist you as soon as possible.
Industrial Land In Alicante Next to the road of Ocaña first line
03113 Municipality of Alicante
Plot of land • 163891 sq ft (15226 m²) • Ground floor • ref: mv204008
Living area163891 sq ft (15226 m²)
Land427725 sq ft (39737 m²)
Municipality of Alicante
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Inmo Mash Alicante
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