Manor House, located next to the Mother Church, in the city center.
The recovery of this building was carried out with absolute respect for the original façade moth, verifiable in details such as masonry, wrought irons from balconies and gates.
All windows with PVC frames, roof and attic already with new structures. There are also two annexes, a wine cellar and a warehouse.
Perfect house for Hotel de Charme, or family home, always with the possibility of recovering the interior creating new spaces and decorating to taste. Given the generous area of use, you can resize according to your needs the number of rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, etc...
As it is in the center has all kind of local commerce and services.
The world has changed. It had to change. In this new era, it is no longer enough to do good business financially. It is also important that they incorporate a contribution of sharing, equity, which add real value to all parties involved. To negotiate is to help, contribute and share. That's the goal we're pursuing. Day by day, every day. That's what we work for.
Manor House, located next to the Mother Church, in the city center. The restoration of this building was carried out with absolute respect for the original design of the facade, verifiable in details such as masonry, forged irons on balconies and gates. All windows with PVC frames, roof and attic with new structures. There are also two annexes, a cellar and a warehouse. Perfect house for Hotel de Charme, or family home, always with the possibility of recovering the interior creating new spaces and decorating to taste. Given the generous area of use, you can resize according to your needs the number of rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, etc... As it is in the center it has all kinds of local shops and services.
The world changed. He had to change. In this new era, it is no longer enough to do good business financially. It is also important that they incorporate a contribution of sharing, of equity, that add real value to all the parties involved. Negotiating is helping, contributing and sharing. That is the goal that we pursue. Day by day, every day. That's what we work for.
Manoir, situé à côté de l'église mère, dans le centre-ville. La restauration de ce bâtiment a été réalisée dans le respect absolu de la conception originale de la façade, vérifiable dans des détails tels que la masaçonnerie, les fers forgés sur les balcons et les portails. Toutes les fenêtres avec cadres en PVC, toit et grenier avec de nouvelles structures. Il y a aussi deux annexes, une cave et un entrepôt. Maison parfaite pour Hôtel de Charme, ou maison de famille, toujours avec la possibilité de récupérer l'intérieur en créant de nouveaux espaces et en décorant au goût. Compte tenu de la généreuse surface d'utilisation, vous pouvez redimensionner en fonction de vos besoins le nombre de chambres, salles de bain, cuisines, etc... Comme il est dans le centre, il a toutes sortes de commerces et services locaux. Le monde a changé. Il a dû changer. Dans cette nouvelle ère, il ne suffit plus de faire de bonnes affaires financièrement. Il est également important qu'ils intègrent une contribution de partage, d'équité, qui apporte une réelle valeur ajoutée à toutes les parties impliquées. Négocier c'est aider, contribuer et partager. C'est l'objectif que nous poursuivons. Jour jour après, tous les jours. C'est pour cell that nous travaillons.