Apartamento T4 num 1ºandar de moradia com 3 pisos com 1 fração por piso, Sótão comum para arrumos e garagem. Piscina/tanque no logradouro com 700m2. Excelente vista, local muito tranquilo e aprazível, podendo-se desfrutar da natureza.
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Categoria Energética: D
4 bedroom apartment on 1st floor of villa with 3 floors with 1 fraction per floor, common attic for storage and garage. Swimming pool/tank in the patio with 700m2. Excellent view, very quiet and pleasant place, being able to enjoy nature.
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Energy Rating: D
*** Agende a sua visita ***
Categoria Energética: D
4 bedroom apartment on 1st floor of villa with 3 floors with 1 fraction per floor, common attic for storage and garage. Swimming pool/tank in the patio with 700m2. Excellent view, very quiet and pleasant place, being able to enjoy nature.
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Energy Rating: D