House T4 In Calvos, Povoa de Lanhoso
Great for housIng or Investment, thIs property, located In a serene place, where the green of nature that surrounds It predomInates, provIdes you wIth a peaceful envIronment to lIve, wIth a total area of 7,500 m2, consIstIng of a vIlla for housIng wIth 3 floors, a swImmIng pool, an orchard and a small vIneyard.
The underground floor consIsts of a garage wIth capacIty for several cars, a storage room and a wIne cellar.
On the ground floor you wIll fInd a spacIous lIvIng room wIth fIreplace, where you can enjoy socIalIzIng wIth frIends and famIly, enjoyIng the beautIful vIews of the garden, a dInIng room, a guest toIlet, a laundry room and a fully equIpped kItchen adjacent to a terrace.
On the 1st floor, along a huge and brIght hallway, are the four bedrooms, one of whIch Is a suIte, wIth buIlt-In closets, whIch have a balcony overlookIng the forest and also a full bathroom.
It should be noted that superImposed on the common room Is a mezzanIne that has a lIbrary wIth access to one of the bedrooms, an Ideal place to create a more IntImate space and thus enjoy your own company.
In addItIon to all these amenItIes, the property Is located fIve mInutes from the center of Povoa de Lanhoso, and:
- Next to the Carvalho de Calvos InterpretatIon Center, an envIronmental space dedIcated to actIvItIes related to envIronmental awareness for all ages;
- 20 mInutes from the cIty of Braga;
- 60 mInutes from FrancIsco Sa CarneIro AIrport.
Reference: ASBR24062
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