We offer for sale in Misilmeri, exactly in c.da Catena, an agricultural land of 1100sqm planted with olive groves. For more information please contact us. If it is not what you are looking for, contact us at the numbers 0918733701 - 3426393898 or reach us in Misilmeri in viale europa n.460 to find out about the wide range of both building and agricultural land. We are also constantly looking for properties for sale or rent in Misilmeri and neighboring towns, so if you are the owner of a property and you are considering whether to sell or rent, make an appointment with our real estate agent immediately, he will be able to guide you in this choice by offering you our best services.
Land for sale, sicilia misilmeri centro urbano, in Misilmeri, Italy
Agricultural exploitation • 1 room(s) • ref: 1824640
Total1100 m²
The agent has not provided the exact address for this property. You can request it here.
Energy efficiency ratingNo data
Environmental (CO₂) impact ratingNo data
giorgio greco
Phone number
+39 0...
giorgio greco
+39 0918733701
viale europa,460