Granada: housing price and price/sq ft
You want to buy or sell a real estate property? Properstar gives you the insights you need before you start.This report is based on the listings published on Properstar. Last update: Mar 2025Housing price details
The median price of an apartment for sale is €206/sq ft. That means there are as many properties more expensive than €206/sq ft as cheaper. As for houses for sale, the median price is €119/sq ft.Apartments
Number of roomsMedian price
Studio€241/sq ft
2 pièces€199/sq ft
3 pièces€191/sq ft
4 pièces€218/sq ft
5 pièces€225/sq ft
Number of roomsMedian price
4 pièces€131/sq ft
5 pièces€117/sq ft
6 pièces€101/sq ft
7 pièces€100/sq ft
8 pièces€110/sq ft
Granada: all details of housing price
Location | Price per sq ft – apartments | Price per sq ft – houses |
Granada | €232/sq ft +2% | €199/sq ft |
La Zubia | €178/sq ft +1% | €129/sq ft |
Albolote | €174/sq ft +4% | €138/sq ft +2% |
Armilla | €196/sq ft -3% | €143/sq ft +3% |
Las Gabias | €153/sq ft | €114/sq ft +4% |
Ogíjares | €172/sq ft +6% | €147/sq ft -1% |
Monachil | €166/sq ft +3% | €120/sq ft -1% |
Huétor Vega | €130/sq ft | €158/sq ft -1% |
Motril | €160/sq ft +13% | €126/sq ft +2% |
Otura | Not enough listings | €117/sq ft +2% |
Atarfe | €121/sq ft +2% | €90/sq ft +3% |
Churriana de la Vega | €171/sq ft -1% | €129/sq ft -1% |
Maracena | €164/sq ft +1% | €123/sq ft -5% |
Santa Fe | €99/sq ft -3% | €82/sq ft +1% |
Loja | €67/sq ft | €62/sq ft |
Gójar | €132/sq ft -2% | €112/sq ft -5% |
Cúllar Vega | €157/sq ft +5% | €110/sq ft |
Salobreña | €148/sq ft +8% | €182/sq ft +3% |
Padul | €125/sq ft +1% | €90/sq ft +2% |
Cájar | €134/sq ft -6% | €110/sq ft -8% |
Peligros | €114/sq ft +6% | €118/sq ft |
Alhendín | €199/sq ft +4% | €120/sq ft +1% |
Huétor-Tájar | €96/sq ft +1% | €65/sq ft +1% |
Íllora | €60/sq ft +5% | €50/sq ft +1% |
Cenes de la Vega | €147/sq ft | €131/sq ft +2% |
Cijuela | €82/sq ft -6% | €81/sq ft +3% |
Pinos Puente | €74/sq ft +13% | €43/sq ft |
Güéjar Sierra | €106/sq ft +4% | €102/sq ft |
Guadix | €84/sq ft +6% | €83/sq ft -2% |
Pulianas | €120/sq ft +1% | €122/sq ft +9% |
Moraleda de Zafayona | €79/sq ft +2% | €66/sq ft -8% |
Belicena | €58/sq ft | €94/sq ft -3% |
Dúrcal | €52/sq ft -1% | €64/sq ft |
Baza | €80/sq ft -5% | €63/sq ft -8% |
Castell de ferro | €174/sq ft -2% | €110/sq ft +3% |
La Herradura | €255/sq ft +2% | €333/sq ft |
Dílar | Not enough listings | €130/sq ft -1% |
Alfacar | €104/sq ft -1% | €103/sq ft +6% |
Jun | Not enough listings | €118/sq ft +4% |
Fuente Vaqueros | €66/sq ft | €69/sq ft -1% |
Chauchina | €79/sq ft -11% | €74/sq ft -7% |
Almuñécar | €225/sq ft +2% | €195/sq ft +2% |
Calahonda | €178/sq ft +4% | €134/sq ft +10% |
Láchar | €84/sq ft -6% | €62/sq ft -6% |
Torrenueva Costa | €222/sq ft | €201/sq ft +9% |
Lanjarón | €76/sq ft -1% | €69/sq ft -2% |
Huétor Santillán | €166/sq ft | €128/sq ft -20% |
Pinos Genil | Not enough listings | €116/sq ft +1% |
Cogollos Vega | €73/sq ft -1% | €60/sq ft +6% |
Salar | Not enough listings | €59/sq ft |
Güevéjar | €141/sq ft -3% | €81/sq ft +11% |
Montefrío | €50/sq ft +2% | €94/sq ft -5% |
Alhama de Granada | €87/sq ft +10% | €67/sq ft -12% |
Colomera | €108/sq ft | €76/sq ft +9% |
Vélez de Benaudalla | Not enough listings | €96/sq ft -2% |
Iznalloz | Not enough listings | €81/sq ft -3% |
Ventas de Huelma | Not enough listings | €85/sq ft -2% |
Sierra Nevada | €222/sq ft -5% | Not enough listings |
Velilla-Taramay | €278/sq ft +2% | €271/sq ft +12% |
Nigüelas | Not enough listings | €129/sq ft +8% |
Chimeneas | Not enough listings | €49/sq ft -5% |
Órgiva | €77/sq ft +26% | €123/sq ft +7% |
Albuñol | €86/sq ft -3% | €62/sq ft +6% |
Ítrabo | €81/sq ft | €59/sq ft -2% |
Albuñuelas | Not enough listings | €37/sq ft +2% |
Algarinejo | €50/sq ft -3% | €25/sq ft -12% |
Polopos | Not enough listings | €340/sq ft -1% |
Ambroz | Not enough listings | €103/sq ft +4% |
Deifontes | Not enough listings | €77/sq ft -3% |
Molvízar | Not enough listings | €88/sq ft -8% |
Zújar | €56/sq ft | €49/sq ft +6% |
Villanueva Mesía | €60/sq ft -1% | €61/sq ft -1% |
Lecrín | Not enough listings | €47/sq ft -4% |
Cozvijar | Not enough listings | €49/sq ft -3% |
La Rábita | €91/sq ft -7% | €107/sq ft -3% |
Escúzar | Not enough listings | €49/sq ft -6% |
Valderrubio | Not enough listings | €84/sq ft +10% |
Purchil | Not enough listings | €351/sq ft -1% |
Cacín | Not enough listings | €54/sq ft +8% |
Alomartes | Not enough listings | €42/sq ft +12% |
Arenas del Rey | Not enough listings | €82/sq ft +35% |
Jete | Not enough listings | €275/sq ft +17% |
Sorvilán | €263/sq ft | €77/sq ft |
El Chaparral | Not enough listings | €164/sq ft -6% |
Híjar | €148/sq ft +4% | €97/sq ft -5% |
Ugíjar | Not enough listings | €62/sq ft +5% |
Parque del Cubillas | Not enough listings | €186/sq ft -5% |
Purullena | Not enough listings | €93/sq ft |
El Ventorrillo | Not enough listings | €96/sq ft -3% |
Rubite | Not enough listings | €107/sq ft +12% |
Murtas | Not enough listings | €44/sq ft +21% |
La Malahá | Not enough listings | €45/sq ft +4% |
Cúllar | Not enough listings | €53/sq ft +3% |
Gualchos | Not enough listings | €86/sq ft +13% |
Moclín | Not enough listings | €113/sq ft -11% |
Zagra | Not enough listings | €27/sq ft |
Huéscar | Not enough listings | €48/sq ft -2% |
Freila | Not enough listings | €55/sq ft |
Játar | Not enough listings | €55/sq ft -1% |
Pinos del Valle | Not enough listings | €50/sq ft -9% |
Otívar | Not enough listings | €80/sq ft -4% |
Carchuna | Not enough listings | €98/sq ft +1% |
Laroles | Not enough listings | €44/sq ft -14% |
Tocón | Not enough listings | €53/sq ft +6% |
Loreto | Not enough listings | €87/sq ft -8% |
Lújar | €128/sq ft -19% | Not enough listings |
Torvizcón | Not enough listings | €68/sq ft -2% |
Benamaurel | Not enough listings | €53/sq ft |
Los Balcones | Not enough listings | €223/sq ft +1% |
Cádiar | Not enough listings | €36/sq ft +4% |
Pradollano | €255/sq ft +50% | Not enough listings |
Campotéjar | Not enough listings | €15/sq ft |
Barriada Primero de Mayo | Not enough listings | €64/sq ft -9% |
Cáñar | Not enough listings | €102/sq ft +34% |
Bubión | Not enough listings | €55/sq ft |
Nívar | Not enough listings | €68/sq ft -11% |
Jayena | Not enough listings | €43/sq ft |
Pulianillas | Not enough listings | €80/sq ft |
Carataunas | Not enough listings | €398/sq ft |
Castilléjar | Not enough listings | €38/sq ft -9% |
Cortes de Baza | Not enough listings | €35/sq ft -2% |
Válor | Not enough listings | €81/sq ft -1% |
Mecina Bombarón | Not enough listings | €31/sq ft +12% |
La Peza | Not enough listings | €54/sq ft |
Víznar | Not enough listings | €97/sq ft -10% |
Benalúa | Not enough listings | €50/sq ft -4% |
Escóznar | Not enough listings | €35/sq ft +9% |
Restábal | Not enough listings | €63/sq ft -9% |
Jérez del Marquesado | Not enough listings | €60/sq ft -7% |
Fornes | Not enough listings | €48/sq ft +20% |
Melegís | Not enough listings | €136/sq ft -16% |
Pampaneira | €119/sq ft | Not enough listings |
Agrón | Not enough listings | €29/sq ft +6% |
Almegíjar | Not enough listings | €43/sq ft |
Venta Santa Bárbara | Not enough listings | €51/sq ft -1% |
Alfornón | €58/sq ft -10% | Not enough listings |
Santa Cruz del Comercio | Not enough listings | €77/sq ft +2% |
Calicasas | Not enough listings | €35/sq ft -5% |
Puebla de Don Fadrique | Not enough listings | €34/sq ft -15% |
Guájar-Alto | Not enough listings | €81/sq ft +6% |
Pórtugos | Not enough listings | €69/sq ft |
Montillana | Not enough listings | €67/sq ft +2% |
Gor | Not enough listings | €12/sq ft +84% |
Tózar | Not enough listings | €45/sq ft +2% |
Zujaira | Not enough listings | €51/sq ft -2% |
Albondón | Not enough listings | €91/sq ft -11% |
Alcudia de Guadix | Not enough listings | €49/sq ft -1% |
Caniles | Not enough listings | €32/sq ft +14% |
Lentegí | Not enough listings | €104/sq ft |
Bérchules | Not enough listings | €19/sq ft |
Puerto Lope | Not enough listings | €185/sq ft |
Alamedilla | Not enough listings | €53/sq ft |
Cónchar | Not enough listings | €141/sq ft -4% |
Cuesta La Palma | Not enough listings | €39/sq ft |
Murchas | Not enough listings | €60/sq ft -1% |
Tiena | Not enough listings | €29/sq ft +1% |
Cástaras | Not enough listings | €45/sq ft -1% |
Pitres | Not enough listings | €95/sq ft -6% |
Quéntar | Not enough listings | €51/sq ft |
La Calahorra | Not enough listings | €29/sq ft -3% |
Benalúa de las Villas | Not enough listings | €46/sq ft -2% |
Bácor | Not enough listings | €28/sq ft |
Castillo de Tajarja | Not enough listings | €52/sq ft -2% |
Cuevas del Campo | Not enough listings | €74/sq ft -13% |
Píñar | Not enough listings | €37/sq ft |
Castril | Not enough listings | €59/sq ft +12% |
Villanueva de las Torres | Not enough listings | €47/sq ft +8% |
Saleres | Not enough listings | €67/sq ft |
Brácana | Not enough listings | €28/sq ft +6% |
Beas de Guadix | Not enough listings | €47/sq ft |
The most expensive locations in Granada
Location | Price per sq ft – apartments | Price per sq ft – houses |
Velilla-Taramay | €278/sq ft +2% | €271/sq ft +12% |
Sorvilán | €263/sq ft | €77/sq ft |
Pradollano | €255/sq ft +50% | Not enough listings |
La Herradura | €255/sq ft +2% | €333/sq ft |
Granada | €232/sq ft +2% | €199/sq ft |
Almuñécar | €225/sq ft +2% | €195/sq ft +2% |
Sierra Nevada | €222/sq ft -5% | Not enough listings |
Torrenueva Costa | €222/sq ft | €201/sq ft +9% |
Alhendín | €199/sq ft +4% | €120/sq ft +1% |
Armilla | €196/sq ft -3% | €143/sq ft +3% |
The most affordable locations in Granada
Location | Price per sq ft – apartments | Price per sq ft – houses |
Algarinejo | €50/sq ft -3% | €25/sq ft -12% |
Montefrío | €50/sq ft +2% | €94/sq ft -5% |
Dúrcal | €52/sq ft -1% | €64/sq ft |
Zújar | €56/sq ft | €49/sq ft +6% |
Belicena | €58/sq ft | €94/sq ft -3% |
Alfornón | €58/sq ft -10% | Not enough listings |
Íllora | €60/sq ft +5% | €50/sq ft +1% |
Villanueva Mesía | €60/sq ft -1% | €61/sq ft -1% |
Fuente Vaqueros | €66/sq ft | €69/sq ft -1% |
Loja | €67/sq ft | €62/sq ft |
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