Land for sale in Hazleton

69 results
Vacant Land - Hazle Twp, PA
Hazleton, ERII 398 Crooked Stick Lane, Luzerne, PA

Plot of land

Vacant Land - Hazle Twp, PA
Hazleton, ERII 397 Crooked Stick Lane, Luzerne, PA

Plot of land

Vacant Land - Hazle Twp, PA
Hazleton, ERII 397-8 Crooked Stick Lane, Luzerne, PA

Plot of land


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Vacant Land - Hazleton, PA
Hazleton, E Lot 132 Conyngham Drive, Luzerne, PA

Plot of land

Vacant Land - Hazleton, PA
Hazleton, AW lot 18 Arapahoe Lane, Schuylkill, PA

Plot of land

Vacant Land - Hazleton, PA
Hazleton, CN Lot 016 Iroquois Circle, Luzerne, PA

Plot of land

Vacant Land - Hazle Twp, PA
Hazleton, ERII 397-8 Crooked Stick Lane, Luzerne, PA

Plot of land

Vacant Land - Hazle Twp, PA
Hazleton, ERII 397 Crooked Stick Lane, Luzerne, PA

Plot of land

Vacant Land - Hazle Twp, PA
Hazleton, ERII 086 Pinehurst Drive, Luzerne, PA

Plot of land

Vacant Land - Hazleton, PA
Hazleton, E-114 Conyngham Drive, Schuylkill, PA

Plot of land


Hazleton: real estate prices per square meter

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