Neuchâtel (canton): housing price and price/m²

You want to buy or sell a real estate property? Properstar gives you the insights you need before you start.This report is based on the listings published on Properstar. Last update: Dec 2024

Housing price details

The median price of an apartment for sale is CHF 5,944/m². That means there are as many properties more expensive than CHF 5,944/m² as cheaper. As for houses for sale, the median price is CHF 6,264/m².
Number of roomsMedian price
StudioNot enough listings
2 piècesCHF 7,173/m²
3 piècesCHF 6,396/m²
4 piècesCHF 5,925/m²
5 piècesCHF 5,970/m²
Number of roomsMedian price
4 piècesCHF 5,446/m²
5 piècesCHF 6,735/m²
6 piècesCHF 6,536/m²
7 piècesCHF 6,897/m²
8 piècesNot enough listings

Neuchâtel (canton): all details of housing price

LocationPrice per m² – apartmentsPrice per m² – houses
Boudry District
CHF 6,885/m²
CHF 6,627/m²
Val-de-Ruz District
CHF 5,610/m²
CHF 6,226/m²
Val-de-Travers DistrictNot enough listings
CHF 4,183/m²
Neuchâtel (District)Not enough listings
CHF 7,202/m²

The most expensive locations in Neuchâtel (canton)

LocationPrice per m² – apartmentsPrice per m² – houses
CHF 7,870/m²
Not enough listings
Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane
CHF 5,104/m²
Not enough listings
La Chaux-de-Fonds
CHF 4,179/m²
CHF 5,111/m²
Les Ponts-de-Martel
CHF 4,070/m²
Not enough listings
Le Locle
CHF 3,020/m²
CHF 4,567/m²

The most affordable locations in Neuchâtel (canton)

LocationPrice per m² – apartmentsPrice per m² – houses
Le Locle
CHF 3,020/m²
CHF 4,567/m²
Les Ponts-de-Martel
CHF 4,070/m²
Not enough listings
La Chaux-de-Fonds
CHF 4,179/m²
CHF 5,111/m²
Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane
CHF 5,104/m²
Not enough listings
CHF 7,870/m²
Not enough listings

Neuchâtel (canton): latest apartments for sale

Neuchâtel (canton): latest houses for sale

Neuchâtel (canton): latest apartments for rent