Land for sale in Los Angeles County

444 results
Land/Lot - Adelanto, CA
Los Angeles County, 0 260th Street East, san Bernardino, CA

Plot of land

D - Lancaster, CA
Los Angeles County, 155th St E And Vic Ave F8 APN 3314-009-065, Los Angeles, CA

Plot of land


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D - Green Valley, CA
Los Angeles County, Calle Rosalito, Los Angeles, CA

Plot of land

D - Redman, CA
Lancaster, Vic Avenue D4 & 43rd St East, Los Angeles, CA

Plot of land

D - Lake Hughes, CA
Lake Hughes, Austin Way Vic Sylvan Drive APN 3242-011-008, Los Angeles, CA

Plot of land

D - Palmdale, CA

Plot of land

D - Palmdale, CA
Palmdale, Vic Ave M14 & 125th St E, Los Angeles, CA

Plot of land

D - Lancaster, CA
Lancaster, Vic 138th St W And Ave J7, Los Angeles, CA

Plot of land

D - Llano, CA
Los Angeles County

Plot of land

D - High Vista, CA
Lancaster, 187 Ste Ave. G12, Los Angeles, CA

Plot of land

D - Llano, CA
Los Angeles County, Vic Panorama Rd & 203rd St E Road, Los Angeles, CA

Plot of land

D - Lancaster, CA
Los Angeles County, Ave E6 And Vic 115th St West APN 3263-008-018, Los Angeles, CA

Plot of land

D - Lancaster, CA
Los Angeles, Ave I11 Vic 96 Plw APN 3218-023-011, Los Angeles, CA

Plot of land

D - Lancaster, CA

Plot of land

D - Lancaster, CA
Los Angeles County, 119th St E And Ave F8 Vic, Los Angeles, CA

Plot of land


Los Angeles County: real estate prices per square meter

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